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05 August 2010

Introduction to Indonesian Spices

Indonesian cuisine is known for its deliberate combination of contrasting flavors and textures. Indonesians have developed an original gastronomic themes with lemongrass and laos, cardamom and chilies, tamarind and turmeric. Here are some of the most essential traditional spices and herbs in Indonesian cuisine:

Saffron (turmeric)

Turmeric grows wild in the forests of Southeast Asia. turmeric Is Sometimes Used as an agent to impart a rich, custard-like yellow color. In Indonesia, the turmeric leaves are Used for Minangese or Padangese curry base of Sumatra Poor 'rendang, satay and many other fields Varieties. Turmeric is often used in dishes like curries, and also used to give a yellow color to the dish. Turmeric is used to give intense color to yellow-rice dishes and rice with spicy flavoring Provider. Turmeric, saffron, turmeric including one of the herbal and medicinal plants native to the Southeast Asian region. Almost everyone Indonesia and India as well as Asian nations generally have to consume this plant, either as a supplementary food seasoning, herbs, or to maintain health and beauty. Turmeric is a spice commonly used in cooking in Asian countries.

Ginger cultivation began in South Asia. In Indonesia, there is a beverage called Wedang Jahe, made from ginger and palm sugar. Also Indonesians use ground ginger root, ginger called as a common ingredient in local recipes. In Indonesia, ginger is used as a herbal preparation to reduce fatigue, reducing "winds" in the blood, prevent and cure rheumatism and control poor dietary habits.

Shrimp paste, a red-brown fermented shrimp paste with a potent aroma, is Used in small amounts in most sauces.


Cloves are native to Indonesia and used as a spice in cuisines all over the world. Until modern times, cloves grew only on A Few islands in the Maluku Islands (historically called the Spice Islands), including Bacan, invective, Moti, Ternate, and Tidore Due to the Indonesian influences, the use of cloves is widespread in the Netherlands. Cloves are used in cheeses, often in combination with cumin, and an essential ingredient for making Dutch speculaas. Furthermore, cloves are Used in traditional Dutch stews like hachee.


Cinnamon trees are native to South East Asia. In Indonesia, Nowhere it is cultivated in Java and Sumatra, it is Sometimes Called cinnamon and cassia vera, the "real" cassia. Cinnamon bark is widely Used as a spice.

Nutmeg tree is any of the Trust species of trees in the genus Myristica. The most Important commercial species is Myristica fragrans, an evergreen tree indigenous to the Banda Islands of Indonesia in the Moluccas, or Spice Islands. The nutmeg tree is Important for two Spices derived from the fruit, nutmeg and mace Nutmeg is used for flavouring many dishes in all countries Nowhere it is available.


Citronella or lemongrass is a plant member of the tribe of grasses are used as a condiment for the scent of food. Citronella oil is essential oil obtained by distilling the top of the plant. Citronella oil can be used as a repellent (repellent) mosquitoes, either plant or in the form of oil.

Temu Kunci
Temu Kunci is a kind of spices used as seasoning rimpangnya in Southeast Asian cooking. Somewhat different form of the key meeting with another meeting due to meeting the growing vertically downward. Key Intersection nutritious rhizomes overcome digestive disorders. The leaves are known to have antitoxin effects.

Sesame plants are cultivated as a source of vegetable oil, known as the sesame oil extract from seeds. Sesame has long since grown man to use the seeds, even including oil plants of the oldest known civilizations. The main usefulness is as a source of sesame oil. White seeds are used as decoration on confectionery, such as dumplings, with a sprinkle on the surface of the confectionery.


Basil, tlasih, basil, or basilikum (Ocimum) is a party that used herb leaves, flowers, and seeds as a spice and a refreshing (tonic). In Indonesia, a new wind is known from the seeds is used as a mixture of refreshing beverages and fresh leaves as a salad (basil).

is a plant of the popular spice. Small fruits are dried and sold, either crushed or not. Form that is not similar to the crushed pepper, such as small grains with diameter of 1-2 mm. This plant comes from southern Europe and around the Caspian Sea. Various types of traditional Indonesian cuisine is often used spice in the form of grain seeds, called coriander-flavored hard. With the addition of these ingredients, cooking smells would be more real.

Pecan is a plant used as a source of oil seeds and spices. This plant is still sekerabat with cassava and included in the Euphorbiaceae tribe. In interstate commerce is known as candleberry, Indian walnut, and candlenut. Referred to as varnish tree kukui nut tree or tree. The oil is extracted from the seeds is useful in industry for use as a mixture of paint and materials known as tung oil. Pecan often used in Indonesian cuisine and Malaysian cuisine. In Java, walnut is also used as a thick sauce is eaten with vegetables and rice.

Cardamom is a kind of fruit that is often used as seasonings for certain dishes and also for the herbal mixture. A. compactum is native and endemic plants in the hills in western Java. Now grown and may become wild in various places, A. compactum is produced commercially primarily from West Java and southern Sumatra.

Caraway is spreading the seeds of plants can be used for spices and drugs. Seeds of this plant is often used as spices for Indian cuisine. This crop largely grown in India and Southeast Asia

Yours is a leaf-producing trees and spices used in cooking Archipelago. In the English language known as Indonesian or Indonesian bay-leaf laurel. Bay leaves are used mainly as a cooking spice fragrances in a number of countries in Southeast Asia, both for cooking meat, fish, vegetables, and rice. This leaves mixed in one piece, dried or fresh, and also cooked up the food cooked. It provides a unique herbaceous aroma but not hard. In the market and in the kitchen, greeting often paired with ginger laos alias.

Fragrant pandan has a distinctive scent of aromatic leaves. The leaves are an important component in the tradition of the cuisine of Indonesia and Southeast Asian countries other. Leaves of plants are quite important components in the culinary traditions of Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries as a deodorant because the smell of food they produce. Pandan leaf used to be involved in making a cake or compote dishes such as green beans and porridge. When cooking rice, pandan leaves are also often placed on the sidelines of rice with a view to aromatic rice. pandanus leaves, sometimes referred to as "screwpine leaf."

Chili or cayenne pepper or chilli is a fruit, can be classified as vegetables and spices, depending on how it is used. As a seasoning, a spicy chili pepper fruit is very popular in Southeast Asia as a food flavor enhancer. There are many kinds of hot chili pastes (sambal) invariably made from red chilies, shallots, and tomatoes; the sambals from Padang in West Sumatra are some of the hottest in Indonesia. If the dish is too hot, squeeze a little lemon over it with salt.

Galanga is a popular spice in the culinary traditions and the traditional medicine of Indonesia and other Southeast Asian regions. Portion used is an aromatic rimpangnya typical. Utilization galangal rhizome usually with mememarkan then simply dipped into the mixture cooking.


Pepper or pepper is a tangible spice seeds produced by plants of the same name. Very important component of black pepper in the world cuisine In Indonesia, especially the pepper produced in Bangka.

Kaempferia galanga is known in different places with different names. Various Indonesian traditional cuisine and medicinal uses as part of the recipe kencur. Kencur used as a tonic to those properties increases the appetite, so it is often given to children. Galingale rice is very popular herbal medicine as well as beverages. In Bali, urap made using kencur leaves. The phrase "still smells kencur" means "not yet experienced."

The tamarind is best described as sweet and sour in taste, and high in acid, sugar, vitamin B and, interestingly for a fruit, calcium.Globally, it is most numerous in South Asia, where it is widely distributed and has a long history of human cultivation. Many South Asian regional languages have their own unique name for the tamarind fruit.The Javanese dish gurame and more so ikan asem, also known as ikan asam (sweet and sour fish, commonly a carp or river-fish) is popular throughout Indonesia. Tamarind is also common in Manado, Sulawesi and Maluku cuisines.